Boy Choy / Xiu Pak Choy / 小白菜/清江菜 |
- Vitamin C, Vitamin A and calcium: improves skin complexion
- Fiber-rich: improves bowel movement, prevents constipation
Broccoli / 花椰菜(绿) |
- Vitamin A, C: anti-oxidant
- Folic acid
- High fiber
- Vitamin K: helps blood clotting during injury, reduce harderning of arteries
- Phytochemicals: anti-oxidant
Kailan (Kale) / 芥蓝 |
- Rich in calium, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, fiber, folic acid, Vitamin K
Lettuce / 生菜 | - Good source of chlorophyll and Vitamin K
- Vitamin A, B1, B2, C, folic acid, manganese and chromium
Celery / 西芹 | - Phytochemicals: anti-cancer, lowers blood pressure, alleviates migraines
- Helpful in alleviating arthritic and muscular aches and pains.
Choy sum / 菜心 | - Vitamin C, E: anti-oxidant, improves skin complexion, strengthens immune functions
- Vitamin B1: strengthens nerve functions
- Vitamin B2: aids the processing of fats and amino acid
- Folic acid, calcium, magnesium: improves bone health
- Carotenes: anti-oxidant, anti-cancer
Cabbage (green/red), Chinese / 高丽菜(绿/紫) | - Vitamin C, folic acid, potassium, Vitamin B6, calcium, biotin, magnesium and manganese
- Phytochemical: powerful anti-oxidant and anti-cancer
- Glucosinolates: detoxifies and eliminates harmful chemicals and synthetic hormones.
Cauliflower white/purple 花椰菜(白,紫) | - Vitamin K and C
- Potassium, fiber, phosphorus, Vitamin B complex
- Anti-cancer
Pumpkin 南瓜 | - Beta Carotenes and fiber
- Vitamin B1 and C, folic acid
- Pantothenic Acid (Vit B5): alleviates stress
- Potassium: strengthens kidneys, heart and nerves
- Protection against cancer, heart disease, type 2 diabetes
- Pumpkin seeds are helpful in reducing symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
ROOT VEGETABLES (vertical) | |
Carrot 红萝卜 | - Beta-carotene: Promotes good vision
- Anti-cancer, anti-oxidant
- Rich in fibre, Vitamin K
- Biotin: promotes healthy hair, skin, nails, helps in the metabolism of fat, protein and carbohydrates
Radish 白萝卜 | - Rich in Vitamin C
- Rich in Calcium
- Anti-cancer properties
- Helps in the flow of bile, strenghtens gallbladder, liver and improves digestion
Beetroot 甜菜根 | - Folic acid: helps to digest protein for formation of red blood cells and DNA
- Betacyanin (red pigment): powerful cancer-fighting agent
- Fiber rich: helps with bowel movement and reduces cholesterol
Turnip / Sengkuang | - Vitamin C, fiber, folica acid, manganese, pantothenic acid, copper
- Good source of Thiamine, potassium, niacin, and magnesium
- Rich in Vitamin B6, E, folic acid and riboflavin
- Low calorie starchy root
Long bean, French bean, flat bean, 4-angle bean 长豆,桂豆,4菱豆, 扁豆 | - Low in fat
- Excellent source of protein and complex carbohydrates
- Folic acid and trace minerals for growth and development
- Iron, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese and potassium
- High fiber: regulates blood sugar. It helps diabetic conditions, hypoglycemia and insulin resistance
- Promotes heart health due to rich fiber content, anti-oxidant, folic acid, Vitamin B6, and magnesium
Mung bean sprouts / Taugeh 绿豆芽 | - Sprouted vegetables are nutrient-dense food. Vitamin E increases substantially during sprouting process
- Organic mung beans sprouts are grown without using synthetic growth accelerators and bleaching agents.
Okra / ladies finger 羊角豆 | - Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, fiber, calcium, folic acid
- Beneficial to pragnancy health
Chayote 佛手瓜 | - Rich in Vitamin C, fibre, trace minerals
- Low in calories, low in sodium