May 17 - 19, 2024

Macrobiotic 3-Day 2-Night Head to Toe Cleansing Detox Retreat

Venue: Lot 264, Jasmine Villa, Tanarimba, Janda Baik, Bukit Tinggi, Bentong, Pahang.

Conducted by June Ka Lim, Macrobiotic counsellor, Malaysia.

Register NOW

RM 1,300 / pax

Christmas, New Year, Lunar New Year, Valentine’s day, Chap Goh Mei (Oriental Valentine's Day)… With one joyful festive celebration following after another, we tend to overindulge and consume far more food than what we would usually eat. Festive foods are also much sweeter, fattier, and filled with far more gluten and other processed or refined ingredients than our bodies can tolerate. Yet we are often too stressed and too distracted to notice the changes in our physique, allowing the excessive nutrients to accumulate and take shape in our body.

Eventually, the excess build-up would cause us to become lethargic and unfocused. We attempt to address these symptoms with popping vitamin pills and drinking coffee for a temporary energy boost, and when insomnia begins to kick in, we pass time by staring at our phone screens late into the night. Fatigue and lack of sleep will affect our mood and impart us with a penchant to revisit memories of sorrows and past misfortunes, driving us deeper and deeper into a yin spiral of anxiety and depression.

The best thing you could do is to break out of this vicious cycle to be totally reinvigorated with a thorough cleansing. Start 2024 anew and make a complete overhaul of your bodily systems, strengthen your immunity and ground yourself emotionally by revitalising your physical and mental state.

We are here to provide all the answers you need with our easy-to-follow macrobiotic 3-Days and 2-Nights Complete Makeover Detoxification Programme. The program includes a meridian detox to improve your physical, emotional and mental health, Oshawa’s fasting programme, as well as a sustainable antioxidant spa negative ions therapy for overall energy renewal.

Contact us for detailed programme at

Whatsapp: +6012-8775138

Registration link:
Registration fee is RM 1,300/pax.
Payment details as follows:
Account # 512231397624
Payee: Woods Eco-cuisine Sdn Bhd
Co. registration # 276699K